Tamaño letra:


The Zentools grid layout is a classic multi-column responsive grid that can be used to generate a wide range of layouts.



  • A flexible grid based on 1 to 12 columns.
  • Create columns within columns

Grid Demonstration

ZenTools Grid Lots of Columns

The grid below is set to display 6 images in 6 columns. The images are referenced directly from a folder in your Joomla site.

  • Thomas Ewing
  • Walter Brown
  • Samantha Cook
  • A lily in the hand is worth two on the mantelpiece?
  • Patrick Johnson
  • Julie Sanders



Columns within columns

The grid below is set to display 2 columns however each item is also set to display it's content in two columns.

  • Thomas Ewing

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia sem sed sem lobortis viverr

  • Walter Brown

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia sem sed sem lobortis viverr

  • Samantha Cook

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia sem sed sem lobortis viverr

  • A lily in the hand is worth two on the mantelpiece?

    Cras nec lorem eget ligula varius aliquet at et mi. Fusce id quam in justo suscipit porta. Fusce non

  • Patrick Johnson

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia sem sed sem lobortis viverr

  • Julie Sanders

    Integer elit lectus, porttitor eget aliquet ut, rhoncus sed dui. Sed sollicitudin ligula a nisi volu

The content in this tab is the content from a custom html module. In order to control the order of the tabs simply change the ordering of the items in the Joomla administrator.

This is another custom html module published using the zentabs module style.









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